Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spring Weather

Hello to all! I think Spring has finally arrived in South Louisiana! I am sooooo excited. I have been patiently waiting (now I hope I'm not disappointed next week because we do get a cold spell around Easter) but for now it is wonderful.
We have decided that the weather is finally right to begin planting in our flower bed. When we moved into our house last summer there were just some overgrown shrubs in the front so we pulled all those up and laid new flower beds but never did get anything planted. Now we are ready to begin. Heath is outside now tilling up the flower beds then he will move to the back where we are going to attempt our first garden. Well I don't know if you could call it a garden or not. I think we are only going to try tomatoes and possibly squash or cucumbers but hey you gotta start somewhere right.
Brent has gone to Ron & Ellen's (aunt and uncle) for the weekend. They are his second set of grandparents....he is going to help Leah work in the yard there. He gets paid for that work so I think he thought it was the better deal besides the fact that he practically lives there anyway.
Well must run so that we can hit Lowes to purchase flowers etc for our projects. Wish me luck! Hopefully by tonight I'll be able to post for ya'll to drive on by and see my beautiful yard:)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Catching Up

Wow..I didn't realize that I hadn't posted in so long. We have been so busy but then again who isn't. We spent today working around the house. Several weeks ago Heath put laminate wood flooring in our den, kitchen and dining room. Unfortunately he wasn't able to get it finished so he has been working on it alittle each Saturday. Today he finished with the moldings and hopefully next weekend he'll get the side moldings down. It sure does look nice though. We have so enjoyed doing things around our new house. We had a beautiful day today. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately we are supposed to get bad weather on Monday and another cold front. We are all so ready for spring time around here. We did purchase our tomato plants today but can't plant them just yet due to the frost that we are supposed to get next week.
Brent has finished driver's ed and is going to go get his learner's permit next week. Look out! Doesn't seem possible that he is old enough to drive but time certainly does fly doesn't it? Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!