Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Late Night Trips to the ER

Well I just got back from doing something I haven't done in quite some time. In my earlier post I mentioned that my kids have been sick. Well Heidi suddenly developed a rash and I got online and in doing some investigating suspected that it could be Scarlet Fever. So needless to say we just returned home from a stint in the ER and yes my suspicions were confirmed. She has Scarlet Fever which is brought on by Strep Throat which she tested positive for. Her heart rate was very high and she was dehydrated so they hooked her up and gave her fluids and medication and we stayed for that but thank goodness we are now back home and she is in bed. Hopefully to have a peaceful nights sleep and I trust we are on the road to recovery. Having children that aren't small anymore I had forgotten what it is like to have that rush of "fear" hit you when you don't know what is wrong with your child. It is frightening...no matter how minor it turns out to be the mother in you immediately starts imagining every sceniaro possible. As we were sitting there waiting to see the doctor Heidi said "Mom I don't like hospitals...I know they are nice but if I was a kid I wouldn't want to have to be at one all the time like those poor kids at St. Judes".......God is good!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

So sorry your kids have been sick. Maybe they are getting it out of their system and the rest of the year will be "sick free". Well anyway hope everything will get back to normal for you soon.